Innovatorium - why Reverse Vending Machines?

According to global financial analysts, the first billionaire will build his fortune on waste management - assuming he manages to achieve that before the climate changes. With that in mind, we - Innovatorium – think that being a part of the waste management ecosystem is crucial. Our focus is on bottles and cans – to […]

Innovatorium Accelerator for academic startups in the area of DATA and AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the greatest technological breakthroughs in global history. It has already had very significant economic, social and, consequently, geopolitical implications.AI is a so-called General-Purpose Technology – a technology with a wide range of microeconomic and macroeconomic implications. Its impact can be compared to that of the invention of the steam engine […]

About us:

We are a think tank focused on innovation, technology development and new media. We conduct research and analysis in important areas for the development of Polish and European economies, such as the development of startups, Venture Capital funds, cooperation of science and business, Digital transformation and innovation management. We provide knowledge through reports and publications and participate in public debates through the organization of events and cooperation with the media.

What we do?

Ecosystem of Polish innovativeness.

